Monday, July 20, 2009


Good health is impossible without good nutrition. Most sick people today have food related problems. Wether or not you find pleasure in eating food, the fact still remains that food is the basic need of the human body.

Foods maybe abused or misused and this may result to some diseases. Many people are suffereing a lot of health problems nowadays. Some of this diseases are curable but some of them may cause people to death. This is due to the bad lifestyle and eating habits of people. In order to avoid this diseases one must be haelth concious person. He needs to eat the right kind of food. Such foods that are nurtritiuos like fruits, green leafy vegetables, fibers and others. Eating a balance diet, having a balanced diet is very important to one's health. It provides the body complete nutrients as well as vitamins, minerals, proteins and others thet is needed by the body in normal proportion. He needs to take daily food allowances in three regular meals with breakfast as the heaviest, lunch as medium and supper the heaviest. He must have a self-discipline and wise in choosing his food too. Doing all this things is greaty help to make oneself healthy and free from diseases as a way to better healthier lifestyle.

Health is wealth. Being a healthy individual is one thing should everybody must consider. Such ways of being healthy is having a good and satisfying lifestyle.